discoverylab support
Edmonton Alberta Canada

Discoveries making a difference

Growing companies from all technology sectors are welcome to pitch to a panel of investors, advisors and industry experts.

Pitches are either by 10 minute virtual or longer in-person slots, with plenty of time for Q&A, evaluations and networking included.

Presenters receive same-day scorecards, a video of their pitch within a day, feedback from advisors and investors, industry connections, access to funding opportunities as well as lunch and a networking reception.

Pitch at DiscoveryLab@AgSmart on July 29

Companies are invited to register to pitch on July 29, 2024, with priority given to those focussed on agtech and agribusiness, although all technology sectors are welcome. This event is organized in partnership with AgSmart, CARIN, FCC and Olds College.

Presenters on July 29, 2024 include:

moMark Olson, President, Flokk Systems providing systems for herd management and traceability reporting.

gsGeoffrey Shmigelsky, CTO, OneCup AI deploying AI BETSY, a computer vision system that can identify and track animals uniquely

mgMustafa Gül, CEO, City Scan Technologies, providing AI-powered cost-effective and scalable infrastructure assessment solutions


See the world differently. Tell your story.

DiscoveryLab offers events where teams pitch plans to a panel of investors and advisors, and keynote talks are offered on a theme. Scalable innovations in any sector, location or stage of development are presented as are transformative technologies for diagnostics, medical devices, therapeutics, biotech, agtech, AI, cleantech, edtech, food/drinks, materials, energy, environment and resources.

We welcome new members including investors, industry experts and business advisors to join in to advise the diversity of teams presenting.

Presenters receive constructive feedback on the business plan summary and slidedeck they submit beforehand, a video recording of their pitch, an evaluation and scores, new connections and leads for funding.

Note: Teams that are pitching are invited to submit their business plan summary at least two weeks before the event to qualify for a slot and gain feedback to strengthen their pitch.

Presenters can also check out our Presenter Guide.

Our aims are to play a positive role by:

1. building trust and mutual understanding to ensure sustainable and rewarding multi-party relationships,

2. identifying major challenges that require innovative thinking,

3. mapping out precompetitive spaces for open-source collaboration,

4. developing fair and reasonable intellectual property strategies for progression and scalable funding,

5. structuring and optimizing core activities and facilities for supporting innovation, and 

6. increasing data quality, reproducibility and decisiveness while eliminating unnecessary duplication and costs.

We welcome collaborators and partners who are interested in working together to support the innovation ecosystem.

For clarity, DiscoveryLab does not recommend advisors or investors, make investments or provide funding, but can make introductions. Each person and company has the responsibility of obtaining legal advice and performing due diligence before signing contracts or taking investments.